Tuesday, 22 July 2008

it's been a long couple of weeks since I last posted on here. We are now in Arizona and it is HOT!! The journey here was pretty good as far as plane journeys go. Sam was a good boy and slept for most of the flight(s). He has adjusted to the 8 hour time difference really well and is back to sleeping through the night after just 2 nights here. On the 1st night he was somewhat confused I think, he woke about every 2 hours which was hard work for me after being awake for the previous 24 hours, I needed some sleep but Sam had other ideas!!

He has been eating 'solids' now for coming up to 3 weeks, back at home I was making all his food and he was enjoying all kinds of crazy mixes (apple, apple and banana, advacado, advacado and banana) but here since we are in base lodging until we get a house on base (expected to take around 45 days) he has had to eat pre-prepared baby food (lentil bake - which he HATED, and banana and rice pudding - which he LOVED) today, much to my dissapointment he had to have baby rice :( it's all the shoppette had at 7:30am, they didnt even have any bananas! He actually didnt mind it, I mixed it with mummy milk so that's probably why. The photo today is of Sam enjoying his baby rice YUM!!


Ann said...

Sophie has the Arizona air made his hair grow ??? he looks well hairy (on his head) keep posting pics cos its great to see Sam Bubbalooby Brown ( I do miss him terribly.....oh ! and you 2 of course ) and baby rice is ok both you and Harriet had it, do they not have Hipp or organic over there then ?

xxxxxxxxxxxxx Mum xxxxxxxxxxxx

Ann said...

Nope, Tucson has'nt come up on my blog, does yhe blog still yhink you are in Cambridge ?? xxx