Friday, 18 April 2008

this week

wow...i've been bad about updating this, and I really have no excuse as I have nothing else to do all day (apart from baby related stuff obvioulsy). This week Sam had his '8 week check'...I cant believe he is 8 weeks already, time has gone so fast! The check went really well. He is perfect. Bang on the 50th Centile for his weight (12lbs) and on the 75th centile for his head ...haha...he has a big head like mummy! (it's all those brains we have!!). The doctor couldn't believe how good he was, he didnt make a sound (apart from 'happy gurgles') the whole time, even though he had to get naked...which he hates! His heart and stomach are fine and she was pleased with, well, everything! I need to book his vaccinations which i am not looking forward to. I have been doing my research about which ones I want him to get and I am going to get them done at my UK doctors as the US ones seem exactly the same apart from with them he'd get the 'Rotavirus' one too...and since I didn't have it, and no one I know has had it he wouldn't be getting that one anyway. I really hope im making the best choice for him, I know a few people that didnt vaccinate at all....and that crossed my mind, but I have decided that he needs them. I have just read all kinds of things about 'heavy metals' etc in the vaccinations that has just made me worried, but I think getting some of those diseases would be worse!

Oh, another 'milestone' that Sam has achieved this week is ...*drumroll* discovering his fists! he has now clearly learnt that he has hands and has been staring at them in a confused way a lot in the last few days, it's very funny!

1 comment:

Grandpa n Grandma B said...

He sure is growing fast. Wish we could be there to see him grow. Really enjoy your updates, keeps us in the loop so to speak.