February 21st 2008
February 21st 2009
Samuel Casey Brown was born at 5:08am on the 21st February 2008. He weighed in at 8lb 6oz. This page will document his daily life for those members of his family that are spread far and wide. Add to this his little sister: Molly Cate Brown. Born at 10:42am on Wednesday the 21st of April 2010. Weighing in at 7lbs 12oz and 19.5inches long.
Sam walks EVERYWHERE now. He walks more than he crawls. It's still somewhat wobbly but getting better daily! He can really pick up speed now too, and almost run!
The list of naughty adventures grows daily too, he has, in the last few days: jammed a DVD into the back of the DVD player (Bryan had to remove the top of the DVD player to get it out) Pulled my fake plants apart and shoved some of them into his mouth (he cried when I removed them!!) Got into the cupboard in the kitchen and tried to hide amongst the cans...I'm sure there is more but it's late and my brain function is slowing (Sam has slept from 7:15-10:36pm so far!!!!!!!)